Royalty Rates Database, License and Service Agreements

Data You Can Trust

Transfer Pricing. Valuation of Intangible Assets. Legal & Economic Research.

The Better Way to Value Intangibles

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High-Quality Data, Efficient Search Engine & Unique Analytics.

RoyaltyStat® is the first-to-market online database of license and service agreements, serving transfer pricing, finance, and intellectual property professionals for over 21 years. The royalty rates database is recognized for its high-quality data, royalty rate analytics tools, and knowledge-based customer support, and is used by top accounting and law firms, Fortune 500 multinationals and tax authorities worldwide.

A Royalty Rates Database That Works for You

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More Efficient Transfer Pricing Benchmarking

RoyaltyStat’s rigorous data curation and extraction enables quicker comparability analysis by leveraging succinct descriptions of each agreement and detailed notes on payment structures and contractual terms.

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Accurate and Reliable Data

RoyaltyStat’s experienced data production team employs a multi-layered data extraction and quality-control process to ensure data accuracy and removal of duplicates.  The license agreement database also provides integrated access to full-text agreements and supporting source documents, such as SEC Filings and Franchise Disclosure Documents, to enable additional diligence.  Our data is trusted by government agencies, prestigious universities, and professional services organizations around the world.

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Data Analytics

RoyaltyStat’s unique analytics go beyond a simple interquartile range to help our users dig deeper into the economics of the valuation of intangible assets and support their analyses under scrutiny. Our tools include boxplot statistics, histogram and regression analysis to observe the effects of contractual terms on royalty rates, analyze data distribution, and determine a more reliable arm’s-length range.